Green Fairy Quilts
I love browsing the internet and all the fabulous blogs out there. It seems my RSS Feed and my Favorites bar are growing by the day from all the talented people out there. I love to look at all the handiwork and creativeness that these people are able to do and wish that I could do something just as beautiful. So this post brings me to a giveaway that one of the blogs that I certainly like to read is doing. Green Fairy Quilts is one of the many talented bloggers out there. Judi has some gorgeous quilts that she has machine quilted with her long-arm business. Did I tell you she also designs patterns? I've had my eye on Dahlia for awhile now. Then on top of all that she (and her husband) sell fabric in their store! Talk about busy. So go have a visit and give a comment on a chance to win some beautiful fabric.