January Check-In

The Craftsy 2012 Block of the Month just might be a finish by the end of the month. When I signed up for Shanna's "A Lovely Year of Finishes" I honestly didn't think that I would get all those blocks done. Out of 20 blocks I only had 6 (3 months) done!
I now have 10 more done! Yeah! I have 4 more to go and of course I have saved the Hexi's blocks for the last. I've also cut out the pieces for the curved piecing blocks so I can get to those ASAP. You can see all of the blocks over in my Flickr page.
It's funny how once you take a picture you see things that you definitely would do different in a block. There are a few blocks that I have done that I've made a mistake on or the color combination is terrible. I'll be ripping one block out that is upside down and redoing it (if you see it don't point it out, I already see it), and one of my original blocks I have to re-do because the background is totally different.
In the mail I received a Snowman Applique quilt book. Patricia from Quilting Lines sent me the book after drawing my name from my stockings link. I love snowmen and can't wait to add that to my long list of projects/wish lists of things I'd love to accomplish in 2013.
Have a Great Day!



  1. You are really on a roll with the Craftsy Blocks now Judy.

    Congratulations on your win too.

  2. I love the name of your blog. :-) Your color combination for this block of the month is really great. I love your blocks!


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