NY Beauty Block 3

I'm behind a week with my NY Beauty QAL but I finally squeezed in some sewing time to do it. I didn't use the tutorial that was used on this block because it was pieced a totally different way that I've been doing it so far. The tutorial also didn't have any dimensions to cut the fabric so I had to measure and figure out my own way. I was very cautious the way I measured my squares because I want to be able to have enough of this fabric to finish. For anyone else that is contemplating doing this block I measured the height and width of the points and added at least 1/4" all the way around. This seemed to work well for me. On the smaller points near the end I used scraps since they were such tiny points. Of course no sewing can get done without ripping apart some seams or starting over and I did have to do that a few times. This is a learning curve for me and I'm plugging right along. So here is NY Beauty Block 3.

In other news I've been honored to win a few more fabric bundles from other bloggers. The beautiful Denyse Schmidt fabric came from Deborah of  Simply Miss Luella. I love all those pieces and can't wait to be able to make something for our cottage with these colors. They will be perfect. Thanks Deborah!

Next up I was lucky to be an unpected 3rd pick by Pauline of Quilt 'n Queen. She had a great tutorial of aprons on Sew We Quilt using tea towels. So this beautiful Moda Fabric called Pastel Plaid and Hideaway will be an apron using her tutorial. Thanks Pauline!

This next package arrived completely unexpected. Weeks earlier I had won scraps of fabric from Lynne of  Kansas Troubles Quilters and her line of Sandhill Plums by Moda. There was a lot of fabric that arrived in the mail so when more fabric arrived I was beyond thrilled. I already know I'm going to be doing some sort of patchwork quilt to use up all the different sizes of fabric that I have. I want to be able to measure all these scraps and make sure I use all of them. Thanks Lynne!

I'm loving my new job as an aide to pre-schoolers. My afternoons are flying by and there have been some days that I'm working a different program in the morning. Needless to say I'm wiped by the end of the day. So with 8 weeks left of school I'm not counting on getting much sewing done except for finishing up the NY Beauties. 

Have a Great Day and since it's Friday also a Great Weekend!


  1. Wow, you're a lucky lady to win so much fabric! I'm loving your NYB blocks! They look really nice! I haven't even started any, although I have every intention to...sometime!

  2. Well done on getting your NYB blocks done, I haven't even looked at that tutorial (I am even further behind than you and I am only doing 1 block at a time!), so thanks for the heads up on the cutting measurements.

    Congratulations on all your wins too, looks like you will be kept busy for a while yet!

  3. Hi Judy,

    I want to pass on the Liebster Blog Award to you. I feel you have a deserving blog that deserves recognition! It's an award for bloggers with less than 200 followers and is meant to create awareness and give recognition to new and deserving blogs. To see where you were featured check out my blog, swesnugglyquilts.blogspot.com. Congratulations! :)



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