Solstice Stars Series
I've done it! I finally went out of my comfort zone and joined a Flickr group that lets you post pictures of quilt blocks that are a part of a series or group. I came across a blog called Fresh Lemons written by Faith. Faith was starting a series called Solstice Stars and the first block is the Ribbon Star Quilt Block. I have some fabric that I am working with for the Craftsy Block of the Month and I decided to use them for this one too. I got the fabric over at Joann's when they were running one of their many specials (sorry this girl doesn't have any fancy quilt shop fabric). I really love the grays and yellows. This just might be my new found favorite colors. I worked all afternoon on my quilt block deciding which 4 fabrics to go with. I have to say that this block was so enjoyable for someone who has never really made any sort of quilt blocks before this month. I'm a newbie and proud of it! So here it is:
Can you believe it? All the points lined up perfectly! I'm so patting myself on the back right now on how I was able to do this and how great it looks. I didn't even have to like I usually do!
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