
I've been sewing all week and decided it was time for a change. I decided today was a good day to bake some cookies.

Those are Milk Chocolate Chocolate Chips in there! Yummy! I wish I could take the credit for these delicious morsels, but I can't. I came across a food blog called Jamie Cooks It Up and I have to tell you the few things I've tried have been excellent. They even received the highest honor from 3 teenagers and a husband.

Jamie calls these Grandmas Chocolate Chip Cookies and they are the best hands down. I used Nestle's Milk Chocolate Chip Morsels insead of the fancy brand that she uses and for our family they never noticed a thing. We're just not fancy kind of people I guess. Hee Hee. So anyway I also cooked these 10 minutes instead of her recommended 8. Mine were still raw even after I let them stay on the pan like she wanted. I blame alot of the problem on my oven but you work with what you got. One of these days my wish will come true and the oven will take it's last leg and I can get a new one. Fingers crossed!

Go to Jamie's blog and make yourself some of these Chocolate Chip Cookies. You won't be disappointed!

Have a Great Day!


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